Mission Magazine, no. 92, 19.03.2012 – What is the Gender of Security?
![eupm magazine 1_opt](https://soc.ba/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/eupm-magazine-1_opt.jpg)
activists to submit papers focused on this topic by March 30th, 2012.
Why Gender? Why Now?
The EUPM mission to BiH will conclude in June 2012, following a nine year presence in the country. We have been pleased to observe that questions and aspects of gender in security matters have enjoyed increased public attention over the past few years. However, this attention is primarily directed towards the increased participation of, and equality for, female members of security services. While EUPM believes that these are issues of critical importance, we also seek to encourage debate and discussion about the correlation of gender and security sector reform in BiH.
Who is Eligible?
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers that take the question “What is the gender of security?” as a starting point. Submissions from a range of disciplines (humanities,
sociology, pedagogy, law, political science, criminology, gender sciences, geography, etc.) as well as multi-disciplinary perspectives will be accepted. Submitted papers should be non-fiction and presented either in an essay format or draw on empirical, qualitative or comparative research. Furthermore, submissions that address micro or macro level realities and provide detailed situation reviews are particularly welcome. Authors are invited to explore and discuss a range of topics within the context of gender and security that include, but are not limited to: empowerment, gender-based and sexual violence, masculinity, bullying, corruption, (sexual) harassment, heteronormativity/patriarchy, misogyny, education, policy development, local initia-
tives, resistance, alternative lifestyles, etc. This call for papers is open academics and civil society activists from around the world. However, the sponsoring organizations, EUPM and SOC, remind
applicants that only texts in the official languages of BiH may be considered for eventual publication. Both submissions by individual and multiple authors will be accepted. Nevertheless, all authors should have an educational or professional background relevant to the theme of the call for papers.
How to Apply
Submitted papers should be approximately 4000 to 7000 words in length, without automatic formatting. All submissions should use the 12-point Times New Roman font, with 10-point Times New Roman used for footnotes. Please use 1.5-line spacing without indentations or margins. APA citation style is highly preferred. Authors are requested not reference their own names, or the
names of their respective institutions, directly in the paper. All submissions should be accompanies by a short biography (100-300 words) about the author(s) in a separate document. Please submit your papers electronically, by April 15th, 2012 at the latest, to [email protected]. The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged per email.
Review and Publication
A selection panel, comprised of EUPM representatives and academic and civil society experts, will review all submitted contributions. Authors of all selected papers will be invited to participate in a two-day workshop during May or June of 2012. As EUPM has not yet had the opportunity to conduct any gender programming activities in Mostar, the workshop will be held there. The workshop will offer a chance for all individuals involved in the “What is the gender of security?” program – authors, EUPM staff, civil society experts and academics alike – to critique and discuss selected papers prior to publication. An honorarium of 500 BAM will be paid per published submission. SOC will launch and promote the publication of selected papers, collectively titled “What is the gender of Security?” through a variety of outreach events in 2012. Texts that are not ultimately published in the printed publication will be considered for posting on EUPM’s website, with the author’s prior approval. All authors who submit papers under this call will be notified of the status of their application by May 10th, 2012. Should you have any questions, please
feel free to contact us at [email protected] for more information.
On behalf of EUPM and SOC, we look forward to receiving your submissions!
call for paperseupmpublication @bswhat is the gender of security? @bs