Tag: gender equality

No women in the Council of the BiH Communications Regulatory Agency?

The Council of the BiH Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA), as many other institutions and government bodies in BiH, still does not reflect the equal representation of the sexes. Namely, out of the current 7 Council members, all 7 are men.
Among the MPs’ questions that had been directed to the Council of Ministers related to the Regulatory Agency’s Council, there were also questions on the gender equality and unrepresentativeness of women in this body.

BiH, a year and a half after adopting the Law on Sports, still has not formed the Sports Council

The amended Law on Sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina came into force in September 2016. The Law introduced the obligation to form the BiH Sports Council, advisory body to the Council of Ministers in the area of sports. By adopting these amendments BiH has, for the first time, regulated the equal participation of women in the Sports Council (it can be formed if both sexes are represented with minimum 40%).

Overview of the fourth module of the Equality Academy 2017

The Equality Academy programme aims to be a new platform for political leadership and space for joint actions of representatives, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations. Third generation of the Equality Academy is intended for: Town/Municipality councilors of the Counciles/Committees in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Heads of municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina; City mayors … Continued

Gender quotas in Europe – usage and effect of gender quotas in European countries

“The full and complete development of a country, the welfare of the world and the cause of peace require the maximum participation of women on equal terms with men in all fields.”

What the United Nations concluded in the preamble of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in 1979 provides a basis for advocating gender equality, especially in terms of education, economic and political empowerment. Unfortunately, women still face a number of obstacles in dominantly male societies in Europe and around the whole world. So, how to eliminate structural discrimination and open doors for women to work outside of their perceived expectations?

On the occasion of 8 of March, in the Parliament of Federation of BiH on Better Protection of Motherhood, Fatherhood and Parenthood in the Context of the FBiH Labour Law and EU Integration

Although there has been, in the previous 20 years, a significant progress in the state of women’s human rights and gender equality, women are still discriminated and in an unequal position. This is especially visible in the area of labour and labour relations. Therefore, on 13 March 2017, in the Parliament of Federation of BiH, … Continued

Call for participation at the Equality Academy in 2017.

Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre Public call For application to the Equality Academy 2017 Deadline for application is 31st March 2017. After successful realization of the Equality Academy in 2015. and 2016., Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre are proud to announce a public call for participation on the third generation of … Continued