Equality Academy
Through the Equality Academy programme, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre are trying to make a new platform for political leadership and space for joint actions of representatives, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations.
Goals of Equality Academy are:
- Strengthening the capacities of political leaders in gender equality area and equality policies of underprivileged groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to enhance rights of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Strengthening the cooperation between decision makers and representatives of civil society organizations in BiH.
First two generations of the Equality Academy were intended for:
- Representatives of Parliaments in cantonal, entity and state level;
- Members of party organs of parliament parties;
- Advisors of political leaders and Ministers in cantonal, entity or state level, who are interested in strengthening their capacities and in identification and implementation of concrete solutions in order to improve gender equality and position of underprivileged groups in our society.
Third generation of Equality Academy is intended for:
- Town councillors of the Council/Committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Head of municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- City mayors in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Members of political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are interested in strengthening of individual capacities and working on identification and implementation of concrete solutions that will improve gender equality and position of unchartered groups in their local community and our society.
Structure of Equality Academy:
First two generations of the Equality Academy had an opportunity to participate on the educative program which was consisted from four modules. One of this modules is a study visit in Zagreb. Third generation of the Equality Academy has an opportunity to participate on the program consisted from three modules. Modules are consisted from lectures, workshops, discussions and meetings with representatives from civil society organizations. Lecturers are experts from international organizations and NGO organizations from BiH and region, institutional gender equality mechanisms, academic community and the media.