An overview of the third module of the Equality Academy 2018

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Center, by launching Equality Academy, aimed to create a new platform for political leadership and the space for joint activities of deputy leaders, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations in BiH. The fourth generation of the Equality Academy is intended for the councilors of municipal / city councils of municipalities / cities in BiH, heads and chiefs, advisors and advisers of heads and mayors of municipalities in BiH, and members of political parties who are interested in strengthening their own capacities and working on identifying and implementation of concrete solutions that will improve gender equality and the position of disadvantaged groups in our society. Who are the participants of the fourth generation of the Equality Academy you can find here. The Academy of Equality 2018 has four modules, that started in May, and will last until November 2018.

The first module of the Equality Academy 2018, entitled Gender Equality Policy, was held in Sarajevo from 18-20. May 2018. The second module of the Academy of Equality entitled Feminism for everyone was held on Jahorina from 22-24. June 2018. The third module of the Equality Academy entitled Local Policies to Equality was held from 26-28. October in Trebinje. Each of the four modules of the fourth generation of the Academy of Equality lasts for three days, and consists of lectures, workshops and discussions.

The third module of the Equality Academy 2018 discussed the practical presentation of gender-responsive policies for achieving gender equality at the local level, gender-responsive budgeting, and under this module, another gender analysis training was held, out of a total of three that will be held during this year’s Equality Academy, as well as presentation skills workshop.

The lecturers on this module were: Lejla Hodović, an expert on gender equality; Faruk Hujić, gender budgeting expert, gender analysis workshop was led by Dženita Hreljić, gender equality expert, and journalist Duška Jurišić, who moderated this module, also presented the workshop on presentation skills.

Goals of the Equality Academy are strengthening the capacities of political leaders in gender equality and equality policies of underprivileged groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to enhance rights of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as strengthening the cooperation between decision makers and representatives of civil society organizations in BiH.

The programe of the third module of the Equality Academy 2018 is available here (BCS only).