Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

What can we expect from the second module of the Equality Academy 2016?

The Second module, which is named Feminism for Everyone will take place in Banjaluka from 18-20...

How did we mark the International Women’s Day?

Different activities were organized in order to mark International Women’s Day in B&H (street activism, media reports, sessions in Parliaments in cooperation with Committees for...

Announcement of the lecture and feminist discussion: The Antifascist Front of Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Report on execution of the first Five-year plan

Sarajevo Open Centre and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will organize 6 lectures in 2016 which will cover the following topics: Antifascist Women's Front...

Marking the 8th of March in the Parliament of the Federation of BiH

Sarajevo Open Centre, as an organization which advocates the full respect of human rights and the social inclusion of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans*) persons and women...

Do not abolish existing Gender Quota in the Electoral Law, increase it to 50%

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre, Initiative for Monitoring BiH's European Integration, Women's Network of BiH, Initiative Women citizens for the constitutional reforms,...

Meet the Participants of the Equality Academy 2016

Babić Ana is a member of SBB BiH. She is the President of the Assembly of Canton Sarajevo and a Delegate in the House of Peoples in the Parliament FBiH. Berjan Vinka is the...