10 years of SOC: The Media as important allies in the battle for visibility and equality
Pink report 2017: The Media
LGBTI persons and media: Invitation to the School for students of journalism and young journalists
Waiting for Equality 3: Analysis of Printed Media Reporting on LGBT Issues in BiH in 2012, 2013 and 2014
Discussion: Homophobia and BH Media – “BH Pilots Were Kissing in the Parking Lot!?”
Wainting for Equality 2: Analysis of Printed Media Reporting on LGBT Issues in BiH in 2013
Waiting for Equality 2: Analysis of Printed Media Reporting on LGBT Issues in BiH in 2013
Reaction: A Kiss is not a Scandal
Training ‘Overcoming the Language of Fear – The Role of Media in Affirmation of LGBT rights’, 22-23 February, 2014
Media Reporting on LGBT Topics in 2013: More Room for Optimism
SOC Collaborates with the Portal
Press conference, awards ceremony and book promotion