Somebody Said Feminism?
Radio Free Europe: Velickovic: Women in BiH still decoration on electoral lists
Lecture and discussion: Cosmo-politics: dietary feminism of women’s magazines
Third round of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism? begins soon
Announcement of a lecture: Erotica in the classical Yugoslav cinema
Announcement of a lecture: Statistics, quotas or common interest: politics and women’s issue in Bosnian and Herzegovina
BH Dani: Women have no real political power
Announcement of a lecture: Ideological spectrum and the gender issue in political life in BiH
Announcement of a lecture: Labor and social rights, feminist strategies and analyses
BH Dani – BiH Constitution is miitarist
Announcement of a lecture: Becoming a mother on the periphery in the time of manipulation with crisis
Announcement of a lecture “Feminist critique of militarization of the everyday”
BH Dani – How much impunity can justice survive?