LGBTI community events: Workshop on Healthy, Emotional Relations in Same-Sex and Non-Binary Partnerships
In striving to cover as broad range of issues related to the LGBTI community as possible, the Sarajevo Open Center team has organized a workshop on healthy emotional relations in general, but with a special emphasis on the same-sex and non-binary communities.
We have received from many sources the information that the best facilitator for this workshop is a longtime activist, Tijana Popivoda, who through her private life has shown that she applies the theory in practice.
At the workshop held on December 2, 2017 we talked about the development of relationships, different phases and techniques for building healthy and long-lasting relationships.
We touched upon many topics within three hours even the time was too short for everything that was meant to be said.
After all, we went to a nearby cafe and talked about many things such as previous emotional experiences, current processes, to the desired outcomes.
Throughout this workshop, it has been shown that it is necessary to work on the emotions and emotional literacy of our community in the future. Homophobia and patriarchy often put us in a psoition to neglect our emotions and to deadl with ”more important” problems.
It is time to change it, because our personal well-being is a matter of basic concern for ourselves!