Tag: somebody said feminism

Announcement of the lectures and feminist discussions: Women and museums

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, continues with the lectures within the third cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism. The eight and the last lecture within the III cycle, titled Women and Museums will be held on Wednesday, 2 December this year at the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting at 6 P.M.

Announcement of the lectures and feminist discussions: Queer theory and classical Yugoslavian film

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, continues with the lectures within the third cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Someone said feminism. The seventh lecture, titled Queer theory and classical Yugoslavian film will be held on Friday, 20 November this year at the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from 6 P.M. The lecturer will be Nebojša Jovanović, who studies the Yugoslavian film in the light of the feminist movie theory.

In Retrospect: Somebody Said Feminism? – Gender and Nationalism

Prof. dr. Nerzuk Ćurak was a lecturer in the Somebody Said Feminism? lecture series on february 27, 2014. About the lecturer: With a PhD in political sciences, Nerzuk Ćurak is a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, essayist, writer, journalist, editor, civic activist… At the Faculty of Political Sciences he holds … Continued

Radiosarajevo, 6.3.2014 – Lectures “Somebody Said Feminism” End With the “Feminism and (In)formal Education” Lecture

Ciklus predavanja ‘Neko je rekao feminizam?‘ zatvoren je večeras panel-diskusijom o temi Feminizam i (ne)formalno obrazovanje, a uvodničarke su bile doc. dr sc. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović, magistrice rodnih studija Nermina Trbonja i Aida Spahić, a moderatorica je bila Amila Ždralović. Još dok su feministička teorija i feministički pokret bili u povoju, uvidjelo se da je obrazovanje … Continued

Klix.ba, March 3, 2014 – Popov-Momčinović: 8th of March Has Lost It’s Relevancy

U okviru ciklusa “Neko je rekao feminizam?” večeras je dr.sc. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović održala predavanje o temi “8. mart – Između izgubljene autentičnosti, nepodnošljive banalizacije i političke potencije”. “Dan žena, 8.mart, je praznik koji je izgubio svoju društvenu relevanciju i sveden je na margine društvenih zbivanja”, rekla je u izjavi za Agenciju Fena Popov-Momčinović, koja je … Continued

Klix.ba, February 27, 2014 – Ćurak: It is Necessary to Neutralize the Basic Resource of Nationalism – Violence

Profesor na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu Nerzuk Ćurak održao je danas u Sarajevu predavanje o temi “Rod i nacionalizam” u okviru ciklusa “Neko je rekao feminizam” koji organizira Sarajevski otvoreni centar. On je istakao da mi, kao akteri društvenih odnosa, moramo mijenjati postojeće obrasce od kojih je najvažniji neutralizacija ključnog resursa nacionalizma, a … Continued

BH Dani, October 25, 2013 – Political parties are like men’s clubs

Interview with Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović in magazine Dani, no. 854. Zlatiborka is a collaborator of Sarajevo Open Centre and one of the lecturers in Somebody Said Feminism? series of Lectures. Njenih 5 minuta Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović, profesorica na Filozofskom fakultetu u Istočnom Sarajevu Piše: Masha Durkalić U okviru ciklusa Neko je rekao feminizam Zlatiborka Popov … Continued