Tag: soc

LGBTI People and Activists: „Sometimes it seems that political asylum is the only option “

Due to unfavorable economic and political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, large amount of people is deciding to emigrate. General standard of living is fairly low. Adding all those problems, there are people that face specific forms of discrimination such as homophobia and transphobia. They often manifest through hate speech, violence or threats. To the victims, leaving the country and asking for political asylum elsewhere is the only solution. Possibility of applying for asylum on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity was the main talking point in the workshop organized by Sarajevo Open Centre in cooperation with Foundation SHL that was held on December 14th.

Responsible institutions have violated the freedom of assembly of the LGBTI community by failing to protect the Merlinka Festival

The Constitutional Court of BiH, at a session held on December 19, adopted the appeal of the Sarajevo Open Center and others, and made a decision on admissibility and merits and confirmed that the public authorities of the Sarajevo Canton violated the right to freedom of gathering of LGBTI persons without ensuring the safety of the participant at 2014 Merlinka Festival.

NEWSMAVENS: Bosnian LGBTIQ community seeks recognition through film

The Bosnian human rights association Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) will organize the International Queer Film Festival Merlinka in Sarajevo between February 7-9, 2019. The title of this year’s edition is: “I am a lesbian, so be it”. It will be the seventh time in the row that Sarajevo host’s the Merlinka Festival, which was founded in Belgrade, Serbia.

Cooperation agreement: SOC and Cantonal Center for Social Work

The overall objective of the agreement is based on cooperation in the field of protection of LGBTI children and young people, based on the statutory responsibilities of both centers. The cooperation will be realized by informing children and young users of social and paternity protection about the services provided by these two centers, organizing bilateral activities such as conferences, round tables, seminars and conducting joint activities aimed at preventing peer-based violence.

Overview of the fourth module of the Equality Academy 2018

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Center, by launching the Equality Academy, aimed to create a new platform for political leadership and the space for joint activities of deputy leaders, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations in BiH. The fourth generation of the Equality Academy is intended for the councilors of municipal … Continued

Feminist Economic Forum – invitation

Sarajevo Open Centre and Friedrich Ebert Foundation BiH organise the Feminist Economic Forum, that will take place on 13 November 2018 in Sarajevo.

An overview of the third module of the Equality Academy 2018

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Center, by launching Equality Academy, aimed to create a new platform for political leadership and the space for joint activities of deputy leaders, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations in BiH. The fourth generation of the Equality Academy is intended for the councilors of municipal / … Continued

BiH Roma Women of New Generation

These three girls are educated, accomplished and have careers they began to build. But does not that right belong to all of us? The three of them made a step forward and are very aware of it. It did not just happen so easily.