Tag: lgbt rights

Using EU integration for improvement of LGBT rights in Western Balkans

In the Western Balkans, the human rights of LGBT people are violated on a daily basis. One reason for this situation is that the ruling authorities have not opted for the creation and / or enhancement of institutional and legal elements that would protect LGBT rights.


By: Saša Gavrić, Sarajevo Open Centre The year 2015 has brought us lot of changes. At the political level, what no one expected has happened: The Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU entered into force and the European Union has offered a continuation of the integration process although BiH did not provide necessary accomplishments. … Continued

The life of LGBT people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not simple

Ignorance gives birth to discrimination, that is the conclusion of the research that was conducted by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in June and July this year, and it relates to the LGBTI issues in six countries of the Western Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro).

Call for Applications: Training Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, Sarajevo, December 4-5, 2015

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a training called Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, intended for members of political parties who reside in Sarajevo or East Sarajevo. During the training, regional and local experts will present current state of human rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on good regional practices and … Continued

BiH Parliament: The Special Report on the State of the Rights of LGBT People in BiH

BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees will begin the process of introducing the legislative amendments to the BiH Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, and that the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights in BiH should draw a special report on the protection of rights of LGBT people and deliver it to the competent bodies, including PSBiH.

LGBT HUMAN RIGHTS: 2015 can only be better than 2014

Today, on the occasion of May 17 – the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), Sarajevo Open Centre organized presentation of reports and panel discussion titled The Role of Political Parties in the Advancment of LGBT Rights in BiH – Current Situation and Way Ahead.