Tag: genderequality

#SOC interview: Gender equality for students of social sciences in BiH

The analysis conducted by the Sarajevo Open Centre among the public colleges of social sciences and humanities in Bosnia and Herzegovina showed that through the curriculum at the majority of the universities, gender equality is in some cases studied through teaching units in some subjects, while in other faculties, gender equality is in no way … Continued


By not accepting the amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of BiH on the session that took place on 24th of May, political parties clearly showed us what they think about gender equality. But first, let’s take few steps back. During the last year Sarajevo Open Centre conducted two studies about gender … Continued

The Amendments on the Law on Council of Ministers of BiH have been adopted

On 28th session of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH on the first reading the Amendments on the Law on Council of Ministers of BiH have been adopted. This Amendments were forwarded in the parliamentary procedure by the Committee for Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly … Continued

Through Cooperation to Gender Equality in Canton Sarajevo

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre the working meeting named „To improvement of Gender Equality in Canton Sarajevo?“ was held on Tuesday 5th of April 2016. Members of the Club of Women Representatives of Canton Sarajevo’s Assembly and representatives of civil society organizations, Sarajevo Open Centre, Women to Women and CURE Foundation, were present … Continued

Do not abolish existing Gender Quota in the Electoral Law, increase it to 50%

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre, Initiative for Monitoring BiH’s European Integration, Women’s Network of BiH, Initiative Women citizens for the constitutional reforms, Secure Network of BiH, Justice Network in BiH, Network for Building Peace BiH and Informal Coalition for Civil Dialogue are inviting:


Steps towards equal political participation of women and men

On 26 January 2016 a press conference was held in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the issue of political participation of women in government institutions. Samra Filipović-Hadžiabdić, the directress of the Gender Equality Agency BiH, Mirsad Isaković, the president of the Gender Equality Commission of the House of Representatives of the … Continued

40% of Women in the Council of Ministers of BiH

On the suggestion of Sarajevo Open Centre and Agency for Gender Equality of BiH, BiH Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Gender Equality sent into the parliamentary procedure the Draft of Amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers. These amendments predicts that the Council of Ministers must be composed by at least 40 percent of … Continued

Call for participation at the Equality Academy 2016

After successful realization of the Equality Academy in 2015, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre are proud to announce a public call for participation on the second generation of the Equality Academy – platform for political leadership and space for joint actions of representatives, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations.

Equality Academy, overview of the study visit to Zagreb

Through Equality Academy programme, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre are trying to make a new platform for political leadership and space for joint actions of representatives, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations.Two modules of the Equality academy and the study visit are already behind us, third module will be held in … Continued