
Call for Applications: Training Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, Sarajevo, December 4-5, 2015

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a training called Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, intended for members of political parties who reside in Sarajevo or East...

Tuzla: There cannot be room for prejudice in the professional police work”

As a part of the project „Fighting Hate Crime in BiH“, financed by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna and implemented by Sarajevo...

Video: Pride Parade

Pride, often called gay pride or gay parade, is a public assembling of LGBT people, activists, human rights defenders, as well as of all the others who want to support the...

Video: Coming out

Coming out, commonly used in the expression coming out of the closet, is a figure of speech, was also adopted and is now in common usage by LGBT communites and their allies in...

Video: Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation is a personal feature of every person and any form of discrimination based on that should, in a healthy society, be seen as a violation of basic human...

Training: Police Officers of HNK Ready to implement of Gained Knowledge on Hate Crimes

As a part of the project „Fighting Hate Crime in BiH“, financed by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna and implemented by Sarajevo...