
Pink report 2017: Freedom Of Assembly And Association

In the fallowing period we will publish articles from our Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina Legal Framework The right to freedom...

Psychiatrists in Bosnia and Herzegovina are aware of the risks to witch LGBTI persons are exposed

A director of psychiatrist hospital Jagomir, Muhamed Ahmić, emphasized that LGBTI population, as any other population, has its own specificities and characteristics, and it is...

Building the institutional support network for LGBTI people in Canton Sarajevo

During the meetings, discussions on how the representatives of these institutions should deal with LGBTI people were held. There has been talk of sensitization through the...

Training for prosecutors and judges: Towards an Efficient Judicial Protection against human rights of LGBTI persons

The main goal of this training was to introduce the judiciary community with the promotion of anti-discrimination and criminal law and practice in the field of human rights...

Invitation to the Protest because of denying the right to public assembly, but also against violence towards LGBTI persons

We want to inform you that instead of the planned march for human rights of LGBTI persons that should have taken place on 13 May 2017 in Sarajevo, there will be a protest...

International conference It is Time for EQUALITY: Intersex people – Legal Overcoming of the Gender Binary, 22nd February 2017

Panel discussion that closed the conference It is Time for EQUALITY was named Intersex Persons – Legal Overcoming of the Gender Binary. The panelists were Darko Pandurević...