
After psychiatrists, the nurses and medical technicians of the Psychiatric Clinic Jagomir also went through the training on human rights of LGBTI persons

After the info session for psychiatrists, the nurses and medical technicians of the Psychiatric Clinic Jagomir in Sarajevo went through two info sessions on human rights of LGBTI...

10 years of SOC: Back to Silence – Never Again

We publish the particular texts from the brochure about 10 years of Sarajevo Open Centre's...

Reaction to the appointment of Haris Zahiragić to the Steering Committee of the University of Sarajevo: UNSA – institutionalized homophobia and transphobia under the guise of education and human rights protection

All the complaints and requests sent to the Ethical Committee, all the students' and civil society's warnings were devaluated. Another punch was set to the high education of...

LGBTI community events: Workshop for Bisexual and Gay Men

Through the work of the Sarajevo Open Center with the LGBTI community, we have realized that it is imoprtant to dedicate some time to the isolated community of bisexual and gay...

“I see this training as a gift“: For the first time, there was an education for social workers

This is the first time ever that Sarajevo Open Centre educated workers from the field of social protection of human rights of LGBTI...

Representatives of the Canton Sarajevo Ministry of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees on the Info Session for the second time

After the first info session that took place, the representatives of the Canton Sarajevo Ministry of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees expressed the wish and...