Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 26 April 2016


????????????????????????????????????On Tuesday, 26 April the new series of lectures at this year’s Žarana Papić School of Feminism, with the second generation of students, took place. In the scope of the Module 1Introduction to feminisms: History, terms, theory, Adriana Zahrijević, feminist, philosopher and translator, talked about the history of the movement – the beginnings of the feminist movements in the context of the demands for the political and other freedoms. In the scope of the Module 2State, law, equality: de iure and de facto, Adnan Kadribašić, lawyer, talked about discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation and other circumstances.

More about the content of the lectures is available in the B/C/S version of this overview.

On Saturday, 7 May the lectures start at 10 A.M. In the scope of the Module 2, Natalija Petrić will talk about the international legal and political standards in the area of domestic violence (violence against women), especially about their implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as about women’s rights in the system of UN, with a special emphasis on CEDAW.

The realisation of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism is being financially supported by the Swedish Government via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).