Tag: trans

Today, we stand with trans* people

International Trans* Day of visibility, March 31 is the day when we celebrate transgender (trans*) people and their courage to live their authentic lives, out of the binary gender norms. On this day we celebrate those who were strong enough and brave to be who they are, despite all the hardships that comes with coming out as a trans* person.

BH Dani – Crossing the Borders Between Male and Female

U kovanici LGBT, slovo T označava trans* osobe čiji spol ne odgovara rodu kojeg oni/e osjećaju. Često je za njih rezervirano najviše stigme, pogotovo u patrijarhalnom društvu poput našeg, gdje su binarne rodne uloge davno određene. U takvim okolnostima, trans* osobe teško ostvaruju osnovna ljudska prava i svakodnevno su suočene sa osudama, diskriminacijom, nasiljem i … Continued

18+ Book About Non-Conformist Men

We are happy to announce a new book and to invite you to its promotion on Friday, 13.12.2013 at 22:00. You can RSVP and get the event’s location by emailing [email protected]. Sarajevo Open Centre, in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Planet Romeo Foundation, announced a book of personal … Continued

Discussion on the rights of trans* persons, June 28, 2013

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a discussion on the rights of trans* persons in the region, taking place on June 28, 2013 (Friday), at FISkultura at 7 pm. This discussion is suported by Civil Rights Defenders. Participants include Kristian Randelović from Centar za promociju LGBTIQ prava, Gayten-LGBT and Jelena Simić, legal professional. The discussion will … Continued