Tag: sarajevo @en

Slobodnaevropa.org, February 4, 2014 – Authorities Remain Silent About the Attack

Dvije osobe zadobile su povrede glave kada je više maskiranih osoba u subotu upalo u sarajevsko kino Kriterion tokom Međunarodnog festival queer filma „Merlinka“. Dva dana nakon napada i dalje nije jasno zbog čega policija nije osiguravala debatu iako je skup najavljen mjesec dana ranije. Dok stižu osude od nevladinih i međunarodnih organizacija, zvaničnih reakcija … Continued

Summary of the Three Days of Merlinka in SARAJEVO

The international queer festival Merlinka held in Sarajevo was announced to the police twenty days before its opening. We had a meeting, they received all the necessary information, they were aware of the risk, and we were handed instructions on what to do. Encouraged by the agreement, we invited people to attend the festival, watch … Continued

klix.ba, January 19, 2014 – ‘Merlinka’ Festival in Sarajevo

Sarajevski otvoreni centar će u periodu od 31. januara do 2. februara organizovati i ugostiti u Sarajevu, u Art Kinu Kriterion Festival Merlinka. Međunarodni festival queer filma Merlinka po prvi put je organizovan u decembru 2009. godine u Beogradu sa idejom da promovira filmove koji se bave gej, lezbejskom i trans tematikom, a koji rijetko … Continued

TV1.ba, January 25, 2014 – Merlinka – Red!weekend

Merlinka Festival takes place in Sarajevo for the second time. This Festival was organized for the first time in 2009 in Belgrade, with the idea to promote films dealing with gay, lesbian and trans topics. For those of you who don’t know, here’s who Merlinka was.

Oslobodjenje.ba, January 21, 2014 – Promotion of Rights Through Cinematic Arts

Sarajevski otvoreni centar će od 31. siječnja do 2. veljače u Art kinu Kriterion (Obala Kulina bana 2) organizirati i ugostiti Festival Merlinka. Inače, Međunarodni festival queer Merlinka pet se godina zaredom organizira u Beogradu (prvi put je organiziran u prosincu 2009.) s idejom promoviranja filmova koji se bave gej, lezbijskom i trans tematikom, a … Continued

Book promotion – The Women’s Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina – In the Words of a Counterculture

Sarajevo Open Centre, CURE Foundation and Center for Empirical Research of Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina cordially invite you to the Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović’s The Women’s Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina – In the Words of a Counterculture book promotion, on Monday, December 30, 12:00, Hotel Evropa, Sarajevo. This book is a result of research … Continued

Book promotion: How is it to be a gay man in the Balkans?

Many friends attended the untypical promotion of an even more untypical book: “18+ Book About Non-Conformist Men”. Hainsia Olindi greeted the audience at 10.30 pm and, in her manner, spoke about how it is to be a gay man in the Balkans, presented her categorization of gay men, and explained the straight world’s obsolete attempt … Continued

Sex, pop and politics: Documentary Bi the Way in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar

November 12, 2013 Art kino Kriterion, 8:20 pm Obala Kulina bana 2, Sarajevo November 17, 2013 Kuća plamena mira, 2 pm Šetalište slana banja bb, Tuzla November 19, 2013 OKC Abrašević, 8 pm Alekse Šantića 25, Mostar FREE ENTRANCE. Sarajevo Open Centre and The Royal Norwegian Embassy, as a part of the Sex, Pop and … Continued