Tag: lgbt rights

For the first time in BiH history: Members of parliaments discuss LGBT rights

A three-day seminar on LGBT rights in the context of European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is being closed today (Friday). The goal of the seminar, which has been organized by the Sarajevo Open Centre with the support of the Norwegian Embassy, has been to inform representatives of human rights and gender equality institutions and bodies about the problems and needs of LGBT people in BiH.

Civil Society Representatives in the Combat Against Bias Motivated Crimes

As a part of the „Fighting Hate Crime in BiH“ project, financed by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna, implemented by Sarajevo Open Centre in partnership with OSCE Mission in BiH, a training on the subject bias motivated crimes for the representatives of civil society, local communities, … Continued

Respect the Law! Report Violence! Campaign

This campaign consists of two public service announcements which will be aired six times daily from 8th of September until the 8th of October on radio Balkan (95,9FM).

SOC in action

Training Women’s Activism and Human Rights of LGBT Persons in BiH As a part of the “Coming out! Advocacy and protection of rights of LGBT persons” Sarajevo Open Centre has, in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation and Foundation CURE, organised a two-day training titled Women’s Activism and Rights of LGBT Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. … Continued