Tag: 2013 @en

Radiosarajevo.ba, October 31, 2013 – Presenting the participants of the SEVEN: Besima Borić, a politician

Sedam je revolucionarna dokumentarna drama bazirana na intervjuima sa sedam aktivistkinja za prava žena iz svih dijelova svijeta, čije teške životne priče i borba predstavljaju nevjerovatan izvor inspiracije. Ovaj komad izvodi se širom svijeta, i to na način da ga čita lokalni ansambl sastavljen od sedam istaknutih aktivistkinja koje u tu svrhu, kao amaterske glumice, … Continued

Meet Seven’s ensemble: Tanja Miletić Oručević

Tanja Miletić Oručević is a theatre director, pedagogue in the field of dramatic arts, translator and an activist. She did finished her master studies at the Academy of Theatre in Krakow, Poland, and her doctoral studies at the Academy in Brno, Czech Republic. She has directed more than 30 plays in professional theatres in Bosnia … Continued

Inclusion of measures for equal opportunities for LGBT persons in health sector in BiH

The Heinrich Böll Foundation, BiH Office, along with partner organisations, is implementing the project Coming out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights, financed by European Union. As a part of this project, research in the health sector was completed, and the results of this research are published in the fifth sectoral report: Rights of … Continued

Right of LGBT Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Health

Jasmina Čaušević, Lejla Somun-Krupalija, Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović Prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini: Zdravstvo. Sarajevo: Fondacija Heinrich Boell – Ured za BiH, Fondacija CURE, Sarajevski otvoreni centar. PDF verzija: Prava LGBT osoba u BiH: Zdravstvo

17th ILGA EUROPE Annual Conference, Zagreb, October 24-27 2013

ILGA-Europe’s seventeenth Annual Conference named Family matters! Reaching out to hearts and minds will take place in Zagreb on 24-26 October 2013. The Conference consists out of 35 workshops, and meetings which can be organized during the conference or in the participants’ free time. Almost 250 representatives of LGBTI organizations from 42 member countries will … Continued

Invitation for training: Gender diversity and equality in the work of civil society organizations

Within the project Gender Diversity, Sarajevo Open Centre in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, invites you to a training titled Gender diversity and equality of civil society organizations. This training is intended primarily for civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose primary activity is not gender equality and training is designed in two … Continued

EC Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress Report: discrimination of LGBT persons still widespread

Yesterday, European Commission issued a so called Enlargement Package which includes Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Progress Report. The report has showed the current situation in the EU integration process and its limited progress in reaching political criteria, as well as sectors which need evident improvement. Enlargement Package is a set of European Comission’s documents which … Continued

Zero tolerance for violence against LGBT persons – SOC and CURE condemn attack in Mediacentar

As diskriminacija.ba reports, on Friday, October 11, 2013 OneWorld Platform for Southeast Europe (OWPSEE) Foundation and LGBTIQA organisation Okvir, presented seven digital (personal) stories and participatory “Queer Re:act” and “With love, your children” videos, made as part of the Participate 2015 project. In the middle of the presentation, a group of 5 minors tried to … Continued

Federalna.ba, October 11, 2013 – Info session about LGBT themes

U Sarajevu je održana info sesija o LGBT temama. To je ove godine sedmi skup ovakve vrste, a propituju se LGBT teme kroz teoriju, praksu i aktivizam. Video možete pogledati ovdje. U organizaciji Sarajevskog otvorenog centra i Internewsa održana je info sesija za medije. Sedma u nizu, od ukupno osam planiranih za ovu godinu, održana … Continued