
Empowering the LGBT activists from regional centers in Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar

As a part of the ‘Strenghtening the capacities of the LGBT activists in regional centres in Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar’ project which is funded by USAID and...

Adnan Kreso: The existing cases in schools indicate the need for education

On Thursday and Friday (19th and 20th of June) a training: (Re)educating on homophobia and transphobia: Inclusion and sensitization for work with LGBT students, for professional...

Invitation to the Training (R)educ(a)tion of Homophobia and Transphobia

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, BiH Office and the CURE Foundation invites you to the training (R)educ(a)tion of Homophobia and...

Oslobođ, April 7, 2014 – Training on Criminal Acts Motivated by Hate on SOGI grounds

Trening za policijske službenike iz Odjela krimpolicije (OKP) i dežurne službe u policijskim upravama, Uprave policije MUPKS-a „Krivičnim djelima počinjenim iz mržnje na...

Trans* in transition in B&H

Author: Edina Sprečaković The past year has seen numerous developments in the sphere of the protection of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mostly in that state...

Political Engagement of LGBT Persons in the Balkans: Take an Active Role!

We would like to invite you to join the “Political Engagement of LGBT Persons in the Balkans” project, implemented by Labris, with the support of Victory Institute...