Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Women’s Network BiH condemns the SDP’s proposal to shorten maternity leave

Women's Network strictly condemns this statement which, above all, violates basic women's, and children's rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Convention of...

Announcement of a lecture: Labor and social rights, feminist strategies and analyses

The participants will talk about the topic from current, critical, analytical and practical perspectives, and the audience will be able to actively participate in the...

BH Dani – BiH Constitution is miitarist

Article published in magazine BH Dani As a part of the Someone said Feminism? lecture series Gorana Mlinarević, a feminist, activist and a PhD candidate at the National...

The Women’s Club in the FBiH Parliament and a Group of NGOs that have signed the attached statement strongly judge the lowering of maternity leave compensation

The political message of this decision is cause for concern, because the compensation amount is simultaneously being increased for unemployed...

Announcement of a lecture: Becoming a mother on the periphery in the time of manipulation with crisis

The lecture will explore peripheral regimes of motherhood in neoliberal capitalism, especially in the context of the impact the economic crisis has on the budgeting of mothers...

Training: Gender equality and gender diversity

As a part of the “Gender Diversity” project led by Sarajevo Open Center in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation we would like to invite you to the...