Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Video: feminist discussions “Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the (post)Yugoslav timeline”

Sarajevo Open Centre with partnership support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation – Office in BiH and the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH was organized feminist discussions about...

Book promotions “Women Documented” in Mostar, Bratunac and Banja Luka

Sarajevo Open Centre, Women’s Forum Bratunac, Form F Mostar and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka, with partnership support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation...

House as a daily front of the struggle

Taken from: zenskamreza.ba By: Masha Durkalić Photos: Association for Culture and Arts “Crvena”/Danijela Dugandžić-Živanović In the Historical Museum of Bosnia...
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Representation of women in BiH’s political life

By: Edita Miftari In political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina there is no equality between men and women. There is small number of women that are political leaders on state level,...

Exhibition – My house is your house, too

The exhibition is the joint project of the Sarajevo Open Center and Association for Culture and Art CRVENA, realized with the partner support of Heinrich Böll Foundation Office...

Book promotion “Women Documented: Women and Public Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 20th Century”

Sarajevo open centre in partnership with Heinrich Böll office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Swiss embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and CURE foundation is organizing book promotion...