Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

The Interview: Arijana Aganović, the author of the second chapter of the book “1995-2015: Women and Political Life in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina

Arijana Aganović was born in 1984 in Sarajevo. She graduated from the Department of Comparative Literature and Library Science at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of...

The Announcement of the book promotions “1995-2015: Women and Political Life in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Sarajevo Open Centre offers a different perspective, and thus puts an emphasis on women and their role in the politics of our country, as presented in the book “1995-2015, Woman...

Overview of the lectures at the Žarana Papić School of Feminism: 21 November 2015

On Saturday, 21/11/2015 the lectures of Module 3 (Culture and Ideology) and of Module 4 (Feminist ethical and political theory) took place, and were led by Nebojša Jovanović,...

Meet the ensemble of SEVEN: Darijana Katić carries over the story of Marina Pisklakova Parker

The reading of the play SEVEN is being organized by the Sarajevo Open Centre and Medica Zenica. The reading of the play SEVEN will take place on 26 November in the Chamber...

Meet the ensemble of SEVEN: Kenela Zuko carries over the story of Mu Sochua

The reading of the play SEVEN is being organized by the Sarajevo Open Centre and Medica Zenica. The reading of the play SEVEN will take place on 26 November in the Chamber...


The development of the local gender action plan will start in January 2016. Sarajevo Open Centre and Žene ženama will be part of the working...