Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

The Orange Report 2016: GOOD PRACTICE – The adoption of the Framework strategy for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention

The Council of Ministers BiH adopted the Framework strategy for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on the Prevention and Fight against Violence against Women and...

Through Cooperation to Gender Equality in Canton Sarajevo

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre the working meeting named „To improvement of Gender Equality in Canton Sarajevo?“ was held on Tuesday 5th of April 2016. Members of...

Promotion of the book “1995-2015: Women and Political Life in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Tuzla on 31st od March

Tuzla Open Centre and Sarajevo Open Centre, within Feminist March in Tuzla, are organizing promotion of the book “1995-2015: Women and Political Life in Post-Dayton Bosnia and...

Somebody said feminism: Language – an instrument of marginalization and discrimination

Fourth Series of Lectures SOMEBODY SAID FEMINISM? March-November 2016 Sarajevo Open Centre and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will organize 6 lectures in...

Woman as a shock-worker, laborer and comrade – and this all at once

The fourth cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism, organised by the Sarajevo Open Centre and Friedrich Ebert Foundation in B&H, started on 15 March 2016...

50% of women on electoral lists?

At the ninth session of the Gender Equality Committee of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina the Draft Proposal of the Framework Law on...