Pink Report 2018 – Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emina Bošnjak, Vladana Vasić, Darko Pandurević, Liam Isić, Jozo Blažević, Lejla Huremović

Pink Report 2018 – Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Report covers the period from January 2017 to the end of April 2018.

Sarajevo: Sarajevo Open Centre.

PDF (in BCS language): Rozi izvještaj 2018. Godišnji izvještaj o stanju ljudskih prava LGBTI osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini

PDF (in English language): Pink Report 2018. Annual Report on the State of the Human Rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina