Overview of the lecture of the School of Feminism, May 18, 2019

On Saturday, 18 May, the new series of lectures at this year’s Žarana Papić School of Feminism, with the fifth generation of students, took place. In the scope of the Module 2 – State, law, equality: de iure and de facto, Adnan Kadribašić, lawyer, talked about discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation and other circumstances. He, also, talked about the institutionalization of gender equality: gender mainstreaming, gender-responsive budgets, as well as about the, so called, positive measures and quotas. More about the content of the lectures is available in the B/C/S language.

The realisation of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism is being financially supported by the Swedish Government via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).