
Conference “Towards Gender Non-Binary Language Practices” on September 22 in Sarajevo

Sarajevo Open Centre invites you to the conference “Towards Gender Non-Binary Language Practices” on September 22 in tershouse, Sarajevo (Kolodvorska 9 street). In...

Full Programme of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism

On September 2 the seventh generation of students of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism is starting with the lectures. The school offers an academic-activist educational...

Gender Reassignment and Legal Gender Recognition – Key Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina (POLICY BRIEF)

This policy document aims to identify key issues in the domain of legal gender recognition in the regulations and practices of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Issues that transgender...

Guide for the Institutionalization of Inclusive and Affirming Health Care for Transgender and Gender Variant Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The aim of the guide is from the aspect of human rights and medical knowledge to offer clearly defined steps to the health department in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the...

Parenthood Has no Gender: A Campaign to Raise Awareness of Fathers’ Right to Maternity Leave

Together with UNFPA – the UN Population Fund, and the company Violeta, we launched a campaign to promote engaged fatherhood and initiate discussions about the barriers that...

Public Call for Enrolment of the Seventh Generation of Students of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism in 2023

Sarajevo Open Centre announces PUBLIC CALL for enrolment of the seventh generation of students of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism in 2023 Through the Žarana Papić School...