10 years of SOC: Awesome People!


Over the past ten years, SOC has established cooperation and partnerships with numerous individuals from the world of academia, art and science, as well as its natural allies – other non-governmental organisations. Our partnerships have transcended the boundaries of BiH and many of our collaborators have also become trusted friends whose expertise, knowledge and support have always been at our disposal. Remembering every single name is a difficult task, especially since we’re working around the clock to get this publication out (same old, same old) so please don’t be mad at us if you’re not on the diagram. Just add your name/the name of your organisation!

Good Thing SOC Exists, Otherwise We’d Have to Invent It!

The first instinct of most people would be to describe a non-governmental organisation by what it does. However, I think an organisation is primarily defined by the people who work there. And when you have energetic individuals who are intent on changing the society for the better, then work becomes child’s play. This is true of Sarajevo Open Centre. With their openness, honest approach and the values they uphold, SOC’s team has opened many doors in BiH and built relationships and collaborations with numerous individuals and non-governmental organisations.

In a very short time, Sarajevo Open Centre established itself as a recognisable organisation that knows what it wants, works tirelessly and fastidiously to change the society and nurtures partnerships and cooperation with others.

The Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka has been working with SOC for a few years. The relationship between the two organisations has long surpassed mere project partnership, and we hope it will continue for years to come. We consult each other, exchange opinions, react, support each other and celebrate every tiny improvement in human rights protection in BiH.

What makes Sarajevo Open Centre unique are the men and women who work there – their patience, perseverance, knowledge, fearlessness in trying to break down prejudice and stereotypes, promote the principle of equal opportunities in a society that unfortunately remains deeply patriarchal and traditional. They’ve been an example to us all how to go about our work, how to build relationships and bridges. In a very short period of time they’ve created the conditions for adopting or at least discussing various regulations and policies related to gender equality and especially the protection of LGBTI persons, which was a taboo topic in BiH until recently.

Finally, what else is there to say other than – good thing SOC exists, otherwise we’d have to invent it!

Dragana Dardić, executive director of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka

The diagram available here