The Final Conference “Human Rights of Transgender Persons Between Law and Medicine in BiH: Situation and Possibilities” Was Held

On November 4, a final conference on the topic “Human Rights of Transgender Persons between Law and Medicine in BiH: Situation and Possibilities” was held in Sarajevo as part of the project “Improving the Rights and Position of Transgender Persons in BiH”, which was funded by the USAID/INSPIRE Human Rights Support Program.

Liam Isić spoke about the transgender health care problem in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Arina Bejdić Kršo, expert advisor for public health activities at the Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton, discussed the introduction of mandatory health insurance for transgender people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lawyer Nedim Seferović discussed the handbook “Mapping and Analysis of Regulations and Practices on Sex Marker Change in Personal Documents,” which he wrote and had published by the Sarajevo Open Centre. Emir Mujčić, expert advisor in the Tuzla Canton Ministry of Interior, spoke about the difficulties encountered in dealing with requests to change sex markers in personal documents.

The conference was moderated by Delila Hasanbegović Vukas, Darko Pandurević and Dajana Bakić from the Sarajevo Open Centre.