Tag: training

Call for Applications: Training Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, Sarajevo, December 4-5, 2015

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a training called Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, intended for members of political parties who reside in Sarajevo or East Sarajevo. During the training, regional and local experts will present current state of human rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on good regional practices and … Continued

A Step Closer to Efficient Judicial Protection in Cases of LGBT Human Rights Violations

Training on protection of human rights of LGBT persons, in cooperation with Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of FBiH, was held on September 12-13, 2014. The training, whose goal was to sensitize and familiarize prosecutors and judges with efficient ways of protection and prosecution of LGBT human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in … Continued

Invitation for training: Gender diversity and equality in the work of civil society organizations

Within the project Gender Diversity, Sarajevo Open Centre in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, invites you to a training titled Gender diversity and equality of civil society organizations. This training is intended primarily for civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose primary activity is not gender equality and training is designed in two … Continued

First education of 19 community police officers on the rights of LGBT persons held

The first education on hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity for the community police officers of Canton Sarajevo took place in Konjic, hotel Garden City, on 23 and 24 September, 2013, as a part of Coming out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights, financed by European Union, implemented by Heinrich Böll … Continued