Tag: soc

Strategic approach to LGBTI persons

In order to strengthen local organizations working on LGBTI human rights,Sarajevo Open Centre has signed a contract on sub granting Tuzla Open Centre and Cetre for Youth KVART.

N1 Sarajevo: Born as a girl, today he is a man – Life story of Liam Isić

Liam Isić was born as a girl. He was born in a body of the opposite sex, and in the Večernji Studio he has told us his story, the story about confronting himself, his family, and his surroundings. He talked about the process of transition – which is still in progress. He is one of the few who came out with such an intimate, private story to the public.

FBL Magazine: International queer fime Merlinka festival in Sarajevo for the seventh time

Since most of the content of the festival speaks of lesbian existence, taking into account that the media representation of lesbians is often ignored through content and accompanying material, and that research shows that lesbians are more discriminated and invisible, we have decided to contribute, with this year’s slogan, to the visibility of lesbians in public discourse, said the organizers