Tag: soc

Overview of the rights of mothers in BiH: What are the differences between the cantons?

A recent debate in the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the amendment to the Federation budget according to which the funds for salary increase of 4.5% in the public administration would be redirected to the cantons for co-financing fees for maternity and pregnant women, has actualized the never-resolved issue of maternity rights in BiH

There are laws, but legal protection in practice is missing

The number of incidents potentially motivated by prejudice, that are reported to the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is at least 175. the reported incidents most often include attacks and threats, damage to property, religious objects and cemeteries. Incidents towards Roma people and sexual minorities are not as much reported as the previously mentioned ones.

Working-class women, then and now – discussion on the occasion of International Women’s Day

The political system and the current social moment, in which the workforce functioned, changed significantly. The working class, unfortunately, is no longer a class, but a nostalgic syntagm, devoid of any power. Is the situation so black and whether there are any places of resistance and hope, we will hear in the discussion: Working-class women, then and now organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in BiH and the Sarajevo Open Centre on the occasion of International Women’s Day, on Thursday, March 7.

Pubic Call For the Enrolment of the Fifth Generation of Students in the Žarana Papić School of Feminism in 2019

This year, the Žarana Papić School of Feminism offers the academic-activist educational programme, with the aim to provide the students with the feminist education about the practices, theories and concepts needed for the professional and critical public work and activism in the national, international governmental and nongovernmental organisations, through the three theoretical-practical modules. The School consists of three obligatory theoretical-practical modules that the students will be attending from April to June.


Watch our program coordinator Lejle Huremović in the youth show “Thinking Box” where she presented this year’s content of the International Queer Film Festival – Merlinka in Sarajevo.