Tag: LGBT Rights @en

EC Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress Report: discrimination of LGBT persons still widespread

Yesterday, European Commission issued a so called Enlargement Package which includes Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Progress Report. The report has showed the current situation in the EU integration process and its limited progress in reaching political criteria, as well as sectors which need evident improvement. Enlargement Package is a set of European Comission’s documents which … Continued

Federalna.ba, October 11, 2013 – Info session about LGBT themes

U Sarajevu je održana info sesija o LGBT temama. To je ove godine sedmi skup ovakve vrste, a propituju se LGBT teme kroz teoriju, praksu i aktivizam. Video možete pogledati ovdje. U organizaciji Sarajevskog otvorenog centra i Internewsa održana je info sesija za medije. Sedma u nizu, od ukupno osam planiranih za ovu godinu, održana … Continued

Report discrimination!

If you are discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, or if you’ve been subjected to some kind of violence, you can report to us. All your questions, comments and problems will be forwarded to our legal team. You can send your questions anonymously – without revealing personal names and data. We … Continued

Press conference: Art as a method of mainstreaming LGBT topics

Sarajevo Open Centre and Internews invite all journalists to the sixth Info session on LGBT topics, which will take place in Sarajevo on Friday, 11 October 2013, at 11 am in Meeting Point coffee shop. Info session is a part of the project we are implementing in partnership with Internews. The goal of these info … Continued

Theatrical reading of Srđan Sandić’s texts and conversation with the author, October 4th, Mak

Drama (t)Umor converses with monodrama Zagreb mon amour through polilogues, dialogues and monologues. Mon amour ends where (t)Umor begins and vice versa. Both dramas revolve around the lack of subject and meeting the horrorifying blocks of thought on happiness and love. It is about encountering paucity, in which autonomous language beyond classical principles of naration … Continued

SOC in action

Training Women’s Activism and Human Rights of LGBT Persons in BiH As a part of the “Coming out! Advocacy and protection of rights of LGBT persons” Sarajevo Open Centre has, in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation and Foundation CURE, organised a two-day training titled Women’s Activism and Rights of LGBT Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. … Continued

Round table “Good practices and policies in the fight against homophobia”

Round table on the topic ‘Good practices and policies in the fight against homophobia’ was held in Sarajevo, on June 20, 2013 and it opened a discussion on the state of human rights of LGBT persons in BiH between the representatives of state institutions and human rights civil society organisations. The round table is one … Continued

Regional workshop on human rights of LGBT persons, 17-19 June 2013, Belgrade

A regional workshop, organised by the People 2 People programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the Office for Human and Minority Rights of Serbia and ILGA Europe will take place in Belgrade from 17th until 19th June, 2013. Working languages of the workshop will be: English, Serbian, Turkish and Albanian. The P2P Programme … Continued