Tag: LGBT Rights @en

A Step Closer to Efficient Judicial Protection in Cases of LGBT Human Rights Violations

Training on protection of human rights of LGBT persons, in cooperation with Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of FBiH, was held on September 12-13, 2014. The training, whose goal was to sensitize and familiarize prosecutors and judges with efficient ways of protection and prosecution of LGBT human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in … Continued

Federal television – Culture

Boris Dittrich, the director of the Human Rights Watch’s LGBT Rights Advocacy program gave a lecture titled “We are unstoppable” on Friday, June 27th in Mediacenter Sarajevo. Boris Dittrich has been working for the Human Rights Watch, an organization whose primary focus is documenting human rights abuses, writing recommendations and lobbying for advancement of rights … Continued

slobodnaevropa.org – BiH: Silent Majority Doesn’t Understand LGBT Rights

U bosanskohercegovačkom društvu je svaka četvrta LGBT osoba izložena nasilju, a svaka treća je diskriminirana. Malobrojni su oni koji se usude nasilnike prijaviti policiji jer više od 65 posto njih nije zadovoljno kako država reaguje na homofobiju. Postoji dobar zakonski okvir, ali se ne primjenjuje. Prije šest godina grupa ljudi se protivila otvaranju Queer festvala … Continued

Kiss and Let Other Kiss

A panel discussion on homophobia in the media was held yesterday at the Mediacenter Sarajevo as a part of the program on the International day against homophobia and transphobia (IDAHOT). The discussion was a part of the USAID project “Strengthening independent media”. A map of the recorded instances of violence against LGBT persons in Bosnia … Continued

New portal lgbt.ba is now online!

The web platform lgbt-prava.ba is changing its name to lgbt.ba after more than a year and is thus becoming the foremost BiH LGBT info portal, a virtual space for the public and the LGBT community. We are re-introducing the portal with a completely new design, a familiar domain and content of even higher quality, in … Continued

Human Rights Finally Topic of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue

After taking part in the seminar on March 7, 2014 and sending the open letter to the BH Council of Ministers, the BH Directorate for European Integration, the EU Delegation in BiH and the European Commission, civil society organisations have been officially invited to be part of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice. The planary … Continued

Libela.org – ‘We Demand Special Report on LGBT rights’

Sarajevski otvoreni centar uputio je, ispred grupe bosanskohercegovačkih ljudskopravaških organizacija koje su se udružile u svrhu zajedničkog zagovaranja prava lezbejki, gej muškaraca, biseksualnih i transeksualnih osoba, Institituciji ombudsmena za ljudska prava u BiH prijedlog za izradu specijalnog izvještaja o stanju ljudskih prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovaj prijedlog nastao je na osnovu nedavnog … Continued

Depo Portal, April 21, 2014 – If Montenegrins can do it, Why Can’t We?

Piše: Dina GANIBEGOVIĆ LGBT osobe u BiH se još uvijek doživljavaju kao nešto što dolazi sa ‘zapada’ ili kao manjina koja nije toliko relevantna. Međutim, radi se o osobama koje čine od 7 do 10 posto građana BiH, što i nije mala brojka… Ljudska prava i budućnost LGBT populacije u BiH istražujemo u okviru nove … Continued