Tag: Coalition for Combating Hate Crime and Hate Speech

BiH Roma Women of New Generation

These three girls are educated, accomplished and have careers they began to build. But does not that right belong to all of us? The three of them made a step forward and are very aware of it. It did not just happen so easily.

Forgotten journalist ethic: the media is assisting the institutions in spreading xenophobia towards refugees and migrants in BiH

The institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina are unprepared in treating the increase of migrants and refugees in our country, which has directly reflected on the conditions these people have found themselves in. The reports of the volunteers who, on a daily basis, work with the persons who seek asylum in BiH, protection from persecution from their countries, or pass through BiH on their way towards the EU countries, state that the centres for accommodation are full, that they lack food and have no conditions for dignified living.

PRESS RELEASE: Coalition for Combating Hate Crime and Hate Speech appeals to the media and public officials to refrain from incorrect, discriminatory, profiling and stereotyping statements on refugees in BiH

Even though the Balkan route had been officially closed, a high number of migrants and refugees has been trying to reach Western European countries daily. Compared to last year, in the first two months of this year, the number of migrants who tried to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased by seven times.