
Sarajevo Open Centre as part of its program of work has been devoted to the advocacy of new public policies and the implementation of existing ones. Our work focuses on rights of LGBT person and women’s rights, but additionally we work on different human rights and general issues of importance to women and LGBT people.

As part of our advocacy work on the rights of LGBT persons in the period from 2015 to 2017 we will focus on:

  • Monitoring the rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Reporting on the rights of LGBT person, through Pink Report – Annual Report on the Rights of LGBT Persons, and the submissions and reports by domestic institutions and international bodies (ia EU Progress Report, the CEDAW, UPR);
  • legal regulation of the hate crimes and hate speech, and comprehensive introduction of the judiciary and the police on the same;
  • combating discrimination against LGBT people, through changes to existing policies and legislation, the adoption of new and their implementation;
  • legislation and bylaw the access of the rights of trans* persons;
  • legislation and bylaw the rights and obligations arising from the cohabitation of two people of the same sex (life partnership).

Third year in a row judges and prosecutors are being trained on human rights of LGBTI people

Sarajevo Open Centre and the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centre of FBiH will organise a two-day training for judges and prosecutors in FBiH. The training will be held on...

FBiH’s police determined to combat hate crimes

With different MoI’s of FBiH we negotiated for the module about hate crime to be included into programmes of professional trainings and specialization of the police officers,...

Training for psychotherapists – “We are ready to provide support to LGBT people!”

In March this year, Sarajevo Open Centre, organized two-day training for a group psychologists and psychotherapists from Sarajevo and Banja...

The three laws that SOC worked on are in the legislative procedure in the BiH Parliament

The session of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H is scheduled for Tuesday, 5 April 2016, and in addition to several other draft laws the three...

Video: prejudice and stereotypes as grounds of discrimination

Bosnia and Herzegovina prohibited discrimination in 2009 by passing the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination which applies to public authorities (public institutions, companies,...

“I want to stay here” – Trans Day of Visibility

We want you to read open letters of several transgender people that are around us, all of them living in...