Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Women’s Network BiH Requests Examination of BiH Law on Gender Equality Violation

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre, Women’s network BiH requested examination of BiH Law on Gender Equality violation from the BiH Agency for Gender Equality and FBiH...

Preview of the lectures at Žarana Papić School of Feminism: 25th April 2015.

On Saturday 25 April, from 10am to 16pm, held the lectures in the framework of two modules, which we heard in the first semester of the Feminist School Žarana...

Short bios of participants of the Equality Academy

From 22 to 24 May this year in Sarajevo, the first of five three-day modules of the Equality Academy will be held. By launching the Equality Academy, Friedrich Ebert Foundation...

Radiosarajevo.ba: We can be free on the Internet, but the Internet itself is not free

The second lecture within the third round of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism? addressed cyber feminism, with lecturers being Belma Kučukalić and...

We can be free on the Internet, but the Internet itself is not free

The second lecture within the third round of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism? addressed cyber feminism, with lecturers being Belma Kučukalić and...

Preview of the first lectures at Žarana Papić School of Feminism

On Saturday 11 April, from 10am to 16pm, held the first lecture in the framework of two modules, which we heard in the first semester of the Feminist School Žarana Papic....