Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Photo review of the first generation of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism

While thinking about applying for this year’s School of Feminism, you can read what the last year’s students have told us about the School, and also check out the...

What can we expect from the first module of the second generation of the Equality Academy?

By initiating the Equality Academy, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre have created a new platform for political leadership and a space for joint action of...

Announcement of the fourth cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said Feminism?!

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (http://www.fes.ba/ba/ppocetna-strana.html), opens the fourth cycle of lectures...

NGOs are demanding the Institution of the Ombudsman investigates the systematic violations of the Law on Combating Domestic Violence in the Federation of BiH

Sarajevo Open Centre, Medica Zenica, the Foundation for Local Democracy Sarajevo, Vive žene Tuzla, Žena BiH Mostar, Žene s Une Bihać and Žene Ženama (Women for Women)...

The public call for the enrolment of the second generation of students in the Žarana Papić School of Feminism

Sarajevo Open Centre announces the Public call for the enrolment of the second generation of students in the Žarana Papić School of Feminism. In...

Statement of the NGO organizations and individuals on the decision of HJPC

The decision of the HJPC prohibiting the wearing of religious symbols is not in accordance with the Constitution of BiH. In the past few days the information that the High...