Photographers Without Borders: Sarajevo’s first unofficial pride parade
The Guardian: “The LGBT community is invisible”: using data to fight hate crime in the Balkans
BHRT: TV Show Tema dana – Safe Houses in FBiH, 07.03.2016.
Bosnia Daily: Don’t Water Down the Existing Gender Quota, Increase It to 50%
The cooperation between the Sarajevo Open Centre and the online news portal is contributing to the better understanding of LGBT rights
Bosnia Daily: EQUALITY OF WOMEN AND LGBTI PEOPLE IN BiH – What 2016 Holds for Us?
Bosnia Daily: Regional Conference on Hate Crimes Sanctioning Held in Sarajevo
The life of LGBT people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not simple
Washinghton Blade: Poll: Anti-LGBT discrimination, attitudes common in Balkans
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DISKRIMINACIJA.BA: BiH must finally take obligations arising from the adoption of CEDAW more seriously – Devastating statistics about women’s participation in BIH authorities
Bosnia Daily: Anti-Hate Coalition of CSOs Urges Legislation Changes