OSLOBOĐENJE: Train the Trainer programme for the Police of the Federation of BiH has turned out very productive

The trained police officers are now transferring knowledge and experience to other colleagues

After last year’s successful completion of the Train the Trainer programme for the police officers of the Cantonal Ministries of Interior (MoI) and the representatives of the Police Academy of the Federation of BiH, this year every Cantonal MoI has to implement education programmes on hate crime. The mentioned education programmes should be implemented in the scope of their permanent trainings that are mandatory for each and every police officer of each MoI. Sarajevo Open Centre has advocated with every MoI in particular and made constant pressure directed towards introducing the module on hate crime into the programme of mandatory education, in which we have, to our great pleasure, succeeded.

These days we are in contact with all the Cantonal MoI’s, in order to see how things are progressing. The information we have is that some of the MoI’s have already implemented the education on hate crime, some are in the process of implementation at the moment, and the others will implement them by the end of 2017. So, in the regular and mandatory topics for educating the police officers of FBiH each Cantonal MoI has included the module on hate crime.

The police officers that we have trained during last year in scope of the Train the Trainer programme are now transferring their knowledge and experience to other colleagues. This way, through the institutional transfer of knowledge, all the police officers in Federation of BiH will go through the hate crime education.

The Cantonal MoI’s that are implementing the trainings by the end of this year are: MoI of Unsko-sanski Canton, MoI od Posavski Canton, MoI of Tuzlanski Canton, MoI of Zeničko-dobojski Canton, MoI of Bosansko-podrinjski Canton, MoI of Srednjobosanski Canton, MoI of Hercegovačko-neretvanski Canton, MoI of Zapadno-hercegovački Canton, MoI of the Canton 10.

The MoI of the Canton Sarajevo has, during 2014, in the scope of the permanent training, included and implemented the module on hate crime, so for that reason the MoI of Canton Sarajevo has not been included in the whole process during last year.

During 2016, Train the Trainer programme has been implemented by Sarajevo Open Centre in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to BiH.

The text taken from the portal Oslobođenje.ba, originally published in B/C/S language, on 28 July 2017