
10 years of SOC: Change the World Around You

We publish the particular texts from the brochure about 10 years of Sarajevo Open Centre's...

Education: First Step Towards Social Inclusion of LGBTI people

Due to generally bad social climate that can be recognized in Serbia, with a high degree of intolerance, homophobia, discrimination and even violence towards LGBTI community, the...

Pink report 2017: Seeking Asylum

In the fallowing period we will publish articles from our Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina Legal Framework In the beginning of...

Today is Intersex Awareness Day

On this day, 26th of October in 1996 in front of the place where annual conference of Academy of Pediatrics in America was held, the first public protest of intersex persons took...

LGBTI community events: The history of LGBTI activism

Throughout work with LGBTI community, we got an impression that one of the biggest problems of LGBTI community in Bosnia and Herzegovina is that they are insufficiently informed....
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LGBTI community events: The second rehearsal of the Marching band

After a short break during the hot summer months, we are back lound and queer! On the 12th of september we held the second rehearsal of the Marching band and it was fas from...