
SOC contributed to SDP BiH’s Plan for Youth

BiH Social-Democratic Party has, in September 2017, in the scope of their campaign „We Are Staying Here“, started working on the Plan for Youth – public policy of the SDP...

10 years of SOC: How LGBTI Rights and Freedoms were Ushered into Institutions

We publish the particular texts from the brochure about 10 years of Sarajevo Open Centre's...

SOC filed a submission to the UN Committee Against Torture about hate crimes against LGBTI persons and activists in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) is currently doing review of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s fullfilment of obligations that derive from the Convention against Torture and Other...

32 Prosecutors and Expert Assistants of Prosecutor’s Office in Canton Sarajevo For The First Time Ever Attended a Training on Human Rights of LGBTI Persons

At the end of two-day training, a chief prosecutor of Canton Sarajevo emphasized that the training greatly contributed to the senzibilization of persecutors on problems that LGBTI...

Somebody said Feminism – Trans*women and Feminism

Fifth Series of Lectures and Discussions SOMEBODY SAID FEMINISM? March-November 2017 Sarajevo Open Centre and Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 organise...

Initiative to name the Tuzla Airport after Fatima Mušić

Sarajevo Open Centre, at the proposal of Feđa Bobić, raises the initiative to the Tuzla Canton Assembly to name the Tuzla International Airport after the first woman pilot in...