
Measures to tackle prejudicial attitudes in the police as a way of combating hate crime

Written by Marija Lučić – Ćatić When it comes to effectively combating hate crimes or unlawful behaviors committed out of prejudice as a motive, there is much that needs to...

Measures to encourage reporting hate crimes/criminal offenses with prejudice as a motive

Written by Marija Lučić – Ćatić A great number of research points to the fact that victims of hate crimes rarely report these acts in comparison with victims of other...

Television Sarajevo fined with 2.500 KM regarding the broadcast about Code of Behavior and Clothing at the University of Sarajevo

The Communications Regulatory Agency fined Sarajevo Television (TVSA) with 2,500 KM for violating the Code on Audiovisual Media Services and Radio Media Services in the broadcast...

”What is the Gender of Security 2.0?” – Call for Papers

The Sarajevo Open Centre and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina are pleased to invite researchers and activists to submit research Papers for the following Call for...

Necessity of Raising Awareness and Understanding Hate Crimes Among Experts

Written by Marija Lučić – Ćatić Recognition, investigation and prosecution of hate crimes requires specific skills and knowledge of all participants in the chain of...

Overview of the lecture of the School of Feminism, June 29, 2019

On Saturday, 29 June, the final lectures of the fifth School of Feminism Žarana Papić were held. Alen Kristic, through ethical-theological discourses, talked about abortion,...