LGBTI community events: Coming out workshop

As a part of the cycle “Conquering freedom”, in one of Sarajevo open center’s cycles that include meetings with LGBT community, at the end of February an excellent workshop was held, led by Matea Popov- a longtime LGBT activist and psychologist from Croatia. The emphasis of the workshop was the coming out process, that is one of the most important processes in a lifetime for all LGBTI people.

During the workshop, we got a chance to reflect on our identities, and to become aware of the sources of support that we can count on, and at the same time to understand where we are threatened by real danger if declaring our sex and / or gender identity.

The participants unanimously expressed their delight with this approach to the topic. Several of them stressed that they finally found a safe space where they can express their identity without fear. The expected duration of the workshop was not enough because many participants showed great interest to share their experiences, problems and hopes. There was so much unsaid that the workshop could last all night.

A pleasant hangout opened the space for an open discussion on topics related to the disclosure of participant’s identities to their families, friends and the environment.

The workshop showed that empowering of LGBTI community a constant process, and that we need much more workshops like this. We hope that the future workshops that choses traumatic Coming out process as their topic will become a part of the past, and that they won’t be necessary.

Until then, we must continue to strengthen and fight!

If you want to attend our gathering, send an e-mail to, he will give you all the necessary information.