Lecture and discussion: Women without faces – How feminism did not recognize women with disabilities?

zene sa invaliditetom_06 (1)Women without faces – How feminism did not recognize women with disabilities?
Lecturer: Tanja Mandić Đokić, sociologist

Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of BiH
Sime Milutinovića 7, Sarajevo
26 June 2015, 6 pm

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, continues with lectures within the third cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Someone said feminism? The fourth lecture, titled Women without faces – How feminism did not recognize women with disabilities? will be held on Friday, June 26 this year at the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from 6 pm. The lecturer will be Tanja Mandić Đokić, with whom we will discuss about how the society created a prototype of what a woman should be in which women with disabilities are not included.

English translation of the lecture will not be provided.