Lecture and discussion: 50 shades of of cyberfeminism: Feminist principles of the Internet

Cyber feminizam_02_manji50 shades of of cyberfeminism: Feminist principles of the Internet
Lecturers: Belma Kučukalić and Aida Mahmutović
14th of April 2015, 6 p.m.

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, continues with the third cycle of Somebody said feminism? The second lecture and feminist discussion is titled 50 shades of of cyberfeminism: Feminist principles of the Internet, and it will be held on Tuesday 14 April at the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from 6 p.m. The lecturers will be Belma Kučukalić and Aida Mahmutović, members of OneWorld Foundation and zenskaposla.ba, who will talk about Internet as a tool that changed the world, public as well as political space, in the feminist perspective.

English translation of the lecture will not be provided.