Reaction: A Kiss is not a Scandal

avaz pilotiSarajevo Open Centre reacted today to the article published in Dnevni avaz – “Piloti se ljubili na parkingu!?” ([Male] Pilots were Kissing at the Parking Lot!?). Reaction was sent to the Editorial Board of Dnevni Avaz, and an appeal was sent to the Press Council. This case was also reported to the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH.

On March 5, your daily newspaper has published an article under the title “Piloti se ljubili na parkingu!?” ([Male] Pilots were Kissing at the Parking Lot!?). We find this text to be problematic on several levels, and it requires corrections, so that adequate and full information can reach BiH’s general public. The Armed Forces of BiH are not “in the middle of an scandal”, as you have reported in the first sentence. This is an everyday occurence between two persons. Emotional and physical contact between homosexual, and heterosexual people is a human act and, as such, is expected to happen in the Armed Forces of BiH as well. Homosexuality is not considered a disease for a disorder for a long time now, and the love between two persons of the same sex does not represent illegal act nor does it require “an investigation” (requested by General Major Jeleč). Having all of this in mind, including the fact that if it was a matter of kiss between a male and a female pilot, it would never have been named “scandalous”, we kindly ask you to treat these two in the same manner. Any kind of such distinction can, otherwise, be considered as inticement to discrimination and violence. We believe that Dnevni avaz, as the biggest BiH daily, will respect the human rights and that their team has the best intentions, without the need to violate anyone’s human rights, and invite you to publish this reaction.

Sarajevo Open Centre