Television Sarajevo fined with 2.500 KM regarding the broadcast about Code of Behavior and Clothing at the University of Sarajevo

The Communications Regulatory Agency fined Sarajevo Television (TVSA) with 2,500 KM for violating the Code on Audiovisual Media Services and Radio Media Services in the broadcast about Code of Conduct and Behavior at the University of Sarajevo.
During the informative show “BH Dnevnik” in July 2018, video materials from the public discussion held at the Faculty of Political Sciences were presented, with the host commenting on the behavior and dressing of the present people at the gathering, not the content of the meeting that was discussed, and all the time in conversation with the guests of the show, Haris Zahiragić, questions and comments suggested how such dressing and behavior of the people who were commented was inappropriate.
The Sarajevo Open Centre then appealed to the Communications Regulatory Agency and the Gender Equality Agency, pointing to a violation of Article 21 of the Gender Equality Law, presenting participants in public hearings in a humiliating manner and highlighting their bodies and physical appearance as a problem without mentioning their arguments presented at the public debate.
Based on SOC’s complaint, in January this year the Gender Equality Agency issued a Recommendation to Television Sarajevo because “it was found that elements of the violation of the Gender Equality Law exist”.