Tag: political parties

Training for members of political parties from BiH about rights of LGBT persons

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a training for members of political parties. During the training, regional and local experts will present current state of human rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on good regional practices and politics which are improving the position of this marginalized group. The training will be held on … Continued

Call for Applications: Training Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, Sarajevo, December 4-5, 2015

Sarajevo Open Centre is organizing a training called Human Rights do not Recognize Political Ideology, intended for members of political parties who reside in Sarajevo or East Sarajevo. During the training, regional and local experts will present current state of human rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on good regional practices and … Continued

LGBT HUMAN RIGHTS: 2015 can only be better than 2014

Today, on the occasion of May 17 – the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), Sarajevo Open Centre organized presentation of reports and panel discussion titled The Role of Political Parties in the Advancment of LGBT Rights in BiH – Current Situation and Way Ahead.

New Guidebook: How can Political Parties Work on the Rights of LGBT People

Our many years of experience in advocating human rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the most complicated European countries, has taught us one thing: without significant support from political parties, the state of LGBT human rights will not improve.